Bucket List Anyone?


Friends, do you have a bucket list? Perhaps there's BIG adventures on it, or even little, more attainable excursions? Maybe you have some ideas just floating around in your head, the place where dreams live? Well, put 'em on paper and see what happens.

Now that we're 50+, and we seem to have a little more free time to start putting us first, it's been fun to formalize the fantasies, and even make plans to bring them to light. On our wish list:

  1. Move to another country for a summer.
  2. Take the kids on an international trip for the boys' college graduations, (both in Spring, 2025).
  3. Go to (at least) one concert a year.
  4. Try a new restaurant in a city 30+ minutes away every month.
  5. Go to a museum, art gallery, or unique theatrical performance each season.
  6. Listen to live music, just more.
  7. Say yes to trying new things.
Lists can obviously change, grow and adjust, based on life circumstances, but it's exciting to be in this stage where we can intentionally think about our own wishes and wants. A silver lining of the empty-ish nest.

Also, my parents have started this new tradition of taking their children and their partners (me+Michael, and/or brothers+partners, etc.) on one of THEIR bucket list trips. Isn't that GENIUS!?! My parents generously make the plans and arrangements, and then we support with things like driving, locating restaurants and some sights-to-see, and the things that might be a little more challenging for young 80-somethings. 

So far, we've been on to Canada twice: Niagara Falls, Toronto, and Banff and Jasper National Parks with them. And the memories are PRICELESS! 

So, if you don't have a bucket list yet, whatcha waiting for? Being mid-life may be wrought with the challenges of aging, but maybe it's also a perfect time to make the most of this one, wild and precious life, to whatever extent you can. Perhaps there's a tradition waiting to blossom in your cherished family...

Happy planning, friends.  


Holly and Jenn

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